Defying Gravity
Daniel Henderson
Moody Publishers, 2010, 188 pp., $14.99

Daniel Henderson portrays leadership to flying an airplane, and most of us know enough about flight to relate a simple understanding of the basics. Defying Gravity, however, takes you into the complex details of piloting that airplane (which isn’t simple at all), then draws multiple analogies to the multifaceted intricacies of leadership.

Good pilots, Henderson notes, learn to trust their instruments; and the book cleverly illustrates key leadership principles as parts of a pilot’s instrument panel. As the title implies, leadership is about maintaining one’s altitude and avoiding the devastating crash landings.

This book is very practical, offering helpful advice most veterans in leadership take for granted, of which most veterans (including myself) need reminding. Its principles relate specifically to church leadership but fit a multitude of applications for anyone who leads.

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