Small lightweight ball
Chart paper or whiteboard
THE GAME: Have the group circl up (sitting or standing). Toss the ball around (or across) the circle. When players catch the ball, they should answer the following questions:
What is your name?
Are you named for a particular person or reason? If so, who or for what reason?
Do you like or dislike your name? Explain why or tell what you’d like to be called.
Where were you born?
What is important to you about your heritage?
What one thing would people be surprised to know about you?
What are you proud of?

NOTE: List questions on chart paper for everyone to keep in mind. Encourage players to contribute what they’re comfortable sharing with others.

GOING DEEPER: What did you discover about others in the group? About the various things you’re proud of?
Did you disccover anything about you have in common with others tha tyou didn’t realize before? Explain.
How does your family heritage enrich your life?

ASSET CATEGORIES: Social Competencies, Positive Identity

Source: Great Group Games: 175 Boredom-Busting, Zero-Prep Team Builders for All Ages

© 2007 Search Institute

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