Nearly half of high school students have engaged in non-suicidal, self-injuring behavior more than once the previous year, according to a study published recently in Psychological Medicine.



According to the study, behavior includes things like pulling out hair or pushing things underneath their own fingernails. But 28 percent of students between 9th and 12th grades said they’d gone to even greater lengths to hurt themselves, including cutting, burning, and self-tattooing. White teens were more likely to engage in such behaviors than African-American teens. (McClatchy Newspapers)

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About The Author

Paul Asay has written for Time, The Washington Post and Christianity Today. He writes about culture for Plugged In and has published several books, including his newest, Burning Bush 2.0 (Abingdon), available now. He lives in Colorado Springs. Check out his entertainment blog at or follow him on Twitter @AsayPaul.

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