How to Prevent a Lone-Star Youth Ministry

Many sports teams have gotten into trouble for relying too much on one or two star players. When those players got injured, switched teams, or retired, the winning streak abruptly ended. The teams have learned ...

Good Community

Connecting with adults who aren't youth workers is so important, but it's often really difficult to do that. We asked three youth workers what they do to create community for themselves.

Developing a New Perspective

I'm a new mom. Currently, my 9-month old daughter, Hope, is into everything. She's a speedy crawler who's started pulling herself up and cruising along furniture. As Hope has become more mobile, I've become ...

Planning Your Next Youth Retreat

Youth worker job descriptions include very little of the actual job requirements. They leave out the endless meetings, one-on-ones, clean-up duty, parent interactions, and about a hundred other details that mak...

From Graduation to Transformation

There were so many emotions running through my heart as I sat in my family's minivan, ready to begin my college career. As my parents stared out the windshield, the silence signaled the start of a new journ...

Ice Bag Relay

For a hot summer day, this is a fun game to play at a pool party. Purchase several bags of ice, and keep these in a cooler until needed. Form two teams, and using the bags of ice, create a relay race. Each t...