Dare to be Uncommon (Leader pack book and DVD Bible study)
Tony Dungy
Group, 2009, 74 pp., $24.99, Group.com

“The uncommon life doesn’t happen by accident,” comments Super Bowl-winning coach, Tony Dungy, “It’s the result of choices, actions and commitments.”

Dare to be Uncommon is a decent men’s Bible study that moves participants to examine closely their choices, actions and commitments, especially the small choices and actions. The study plays well in focusing on the consequences of our choices and actions.

The study book also dovetails nicely (as is recommended) with Dungy’s book, Uncommon (also available from Group). The study conveniently is broken down into five sections for each session, and the study is flexible for multiple venues. The DVD segment is somewhat disappointing as it only plays a minor role in the study. Most of the emphasis of each session builds on group interaction.

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