Big God: What Happens When We Trust Him
Britt Merrick
Regal Publishing, 2010, 239 pp., $19.99
Within ministry, whether it’s a personal or a church-wide decision, following God can be really difficult at times. It’s hard to discern what God is saying, what our next steps should be and what having faith and trusting God really means.

Using the examples of faith found in Hebrews 11, Britt Merrick explores the topic of faith and what it should look like in our lives throughout Big God. Each chapter focuses on a different person, exploring what it was about his or her faith for which he or she was commended.

Woven throughout the chapters is Merrick’s own personal examples of what faith has looked like in his life, which makes the book very personal and easy to read. Big God is a very applicable and thought-provoking read, which will develop and grow your own understanding of faith and what it looks like to trust in God.

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