Autism and Alleluias
Kathleen Deyer Bolduc
Judson Press, 2010, 140 pp, $14.00

This book most likely was written for those who are autistic or have a loved one with autism. Yet as a woman who does not fit in either category, I found myself moved again and again by these poems and stories. Bolduc tells of experiences with her autistic son that has moved her to praise. At first, I was hesitant. I am always nervous that books about difficult situations gloss over suffering too quickly, but this is not the case here; it is clear that the journey has been difficult. However, as a follow-up to her first book that lays out the journey and challenges of raising an autistic child, this book chooses to focus on the praise the experience has brought forth. These vignettes of praise will bring “alleluias” from those who love someone with autism or any other diagnosis that makes life a little harder to live.

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