Who says kids shouldn’t play with their food? Here’s a great game to get your students working together, being creative and having a blast!

• Divide students onto groups.
• Give each group a can of alphabet soup and tray or pan. Have someone from each team pour the soup onto a pan or tray.
• Students must spell words with the letters in the soup.
• Hand out an alphabet soup spelling list and score sheets.
• Add up the points at the end and give a prize to the winner.

1. Spell the name of two people in your group (5 pts).
2. Spell “Jesus” (10 pts).
3. Spell “I love my mommy” (or daddy) (25 pts).
4. Spell any animal name (ex: dog, cat, turtle, etc.) (10 pts).
5. Spell the biggest word (legitmate words only) (1 pt for each letter used).
6. Spell the name of your student ministry group (15 pts).
7. Spell the name of your favorite TV show (15 pts).
8. Spell the ministry leader’s name (20 pts).
9. Spell “Justin Bieber” (1 pt).
10. Spell “I love school” (25 pts).

When finished, tally the points and declare a winner! 

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