“May people tell of Your wondrous deeds” (Ps. 75:1).

If there is one thing teenagers need in their lives, it is praise. Everyone needs a pat on the back, a good word, an accolade from time to time. For this reason, teenagers will appreciate the words of Psalm 75, which lifts up praise for God’s goodness, God’s creative work. Praising God is also a means by which we ourselves experience joy and elation.

Consider God’s wonderful deeds that are evident in your youth ministry and among your teens. What gifts are evident? What expressions of faithfulness? What are some of the helpful and energetic forms of service your teenagers are offering to others, their friends and family? How are they serving in your community? All of these are important to consider as you help your teens experience the meaning of praise.

This week, make it a point to create a spirit of joy in your youth group. Read Psalm 75, and allow your teens to tell of God’s marvelous work in their lives. As a leader, you also will experience a new-found appreciation of how God is working in young people. It is important that we express these joys to each other—and to God.

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