InterVarsity Press, 2006, 120 pp., $14.00,

Are you in need of some fresh drama material in your youth ministry? Steven James offers new scripts designed to illustrate and reveal humans’ connections to God through the use of performed narrative. The 16 scripts are evenly divided into topics: beliefs, behavior, relationships, and portraits (contemporary versions of Bible text). The sketches are typically written to encourage or produce thoughtful reflection rather than provide standard Christian answers. Each “ready-to-use” drama is detailed and scripted so even the novice “producer” can be successful and yet flexible enough that the “pro” can be creative and unrestricted.

The dramas’ settings are simple, have run times of four to eight minutes, and feature casts of five people or less. While some dramas may not be relevant for your church or situation, you are bound to find enough material to make this $14.00 well spent.


Review by: SONIA URBAN, Youth Counselor, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

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