Movies with adult content are rated R. Adult video games are rated M. Books? Some of literature’s racier tomes are written for teens, and that has some experts a little concerned. According to a report out of Brigham Young University, many books designed for youth ages 12 to 13 can be sexually graphic—just as graphic, in fact, as those meant for older readers. Researchers cautioned that not all YA books were problematic. Many of them, in fact, were rather chaste and quite good: Researchers pointed to the Harry Potter series as an example. Other books such as the Gossip Girl Series and The Anna Strong Chronicles sometimes feature characters engaged in graphic sexual behavior. Moreover, these sexually active literary characters rarely mentioned contraceptives, and negative consequences are not shown. “Probably the books that are said to be for 12- to 13-year-olds are being read by about 10- to 11-year-olds,” said Jane Brown, a professor of journalism and mass communication at the University of North Carolina. “You may not want them reading about sexual intercourse, at least not how it’s being depicted.” (Fox News)