In an effort to safeguard students online, a number of schools are introducing courses designed to teach them about Internet safety and etiquette: Freshmen at Philadelphia’s Science Leadership Academy for instance are taught how to monitor their digital footprint. At Schwenksville Elementary School near Philadelphia, fifth graders are taught how to spot fake websites. At Gresham-Barlow Web Academy near Portland, middle schoolers have to take an online safety course that tackles cyberbullying, online plagarism and other forms of web-based ethical behavior. Educators creating these courses suggest tha, with the Internet being such a big part of these students’ lives, schools need to do a better job of teaching children how to navigate its pitfalls a little better. “All of the drama, all of the growing up, all of the growing pains, all of the things we know happen in high school now also happen digitally,” says Chris Lehmann, principal of the Science Leadership Academy. “Think of every mistake you made as a teenager. Now imagine making that mistake in a permanent public forum.” (USA Today)