Ad man Alex Bogusky doesn’t hate soda, but he sure doesn’t like what it’s doing to American youth. Bogusky, the guy behind controversial and award-winning ad campaigns for Burger King and Mini Cooper, is trying to get Americans not to buy something for a change. He’s created an animated riff on Coca-Cola’s famous Coke-drinking polar bears, which can be found on, which nearly 2 million people have watched. In the video, his bears struggle with weight and lose teeth, and papa bear suffers with erectile dysfunction and eventually loses a leg to diabetes. Bogusky isn’t suggesting that everybody who drinks soda will lose a leg, but he does stress that these sugary, caffeinated beverages are “the biggest single contributor of calories in the American diet.” “My son loves soda,” Bogusky says. “I love soda. My idea is not a world without soda. We just have to recognize the costs of drinking too much of it.” (USA Today)