Armageddon Now: World War 3
Phil Hotsenpiller & Rob Liefeld
Image Comics, 2008, 106 pp., $24.99,

While no one can argue Matthew 24 clearly states that we are in the end times, we all have different thoughts on how we should respond. World War 3 in the Armageddon Now series is written to convey the urgency for young people to respond to God now. In an image-rich culture, words are not enough to get the point across to most students today. Although comics are not something I have dabbled in, I believe this could be a very effective tool for teenagers and pre-teens.

Liefeld and Hotsenpiller have brought scary, ordinary and urgent messages together to present a picture of the closing of the last days. If you know a young comic fan, this might be a chance to have him or her expand beyond the entertainment aspect of most comic books.

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