Mamma? “Dada?” No matter how cute babies are when they say these sorts of things, it’s not going to make Mamma or Dada famous. If parents can get their children to say “Chicco,” that’s another thing altogether. The Italian company Chicco (pronounced “KEE-ko”) sells baby products all over the world, but it’s had a hard time becoming a household name in the United States. In a bid to correct that, Chicco’s bigwigs have launched a new marketing campaign hinged on the help of new parents: If parents can get their little kids to say the company’s name (and get the moment on tape), the video could be shown on a billboard in Times Square. “Who wouldn’t want to put their kid up in Times Square and post it to every social network website?” asks Thom Gruhler, president of the marketing group McCann Erickson New York. (New York Times)