Timothy Eldred tells us that a quarter million kids worldwide have registered to participate in his 21-day global youth prayer event that culminates with the Global Pray With Youth Sunday day of prayer on Sept. 11.

Here’s Tim’s vision for the event, which brings adults and teens together in a time of prayer:

“You will recruit understanding adults to unite with willing young people. During the 21-day period, they will meet together weekly to share. In honest conversation based on a mutual commitment to read, journal and pray a few minutes each day, all learn. In a symbiotic relationship that’s pure…and intergenerational.

“In the end, youth gain confidence. They understand that God believes in them and so do the adults investing in their lives. A new sense of believing arises and gives way to belonging. A growing confidence of God’s call on their lives opens doors for becoming all He intends. Permission to pursue their God-breathed passion is granted.

“The heart of one generation quickly recognizes God’s heart toward another. Entire congregations understand what God is doing with young people…right now…before their eyes.

“The power of prayer specifically targeted toward young people knowing who they are in Christ today has an exponential success factor beyond our imagination. Just consider the impact of Jesus recruiting, resourcing and releasing His team of young people. The same power available to those disciples is also promised to this generation. Experiencing the results begins when the church admits that frustration has turned into desperation and stops to pray with youth.”

Click here to get more info and register your kids and adults to participate in this event.

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