What Bothers Me Most About Christianity: Honest Reflections from an Open-Minded Christ Follower
Ed Gungor
Howard Books, 2009, 256 pp., $15.99, Howardpublishing.com

“Why does God let innocent people suffer?” “Why can’t Christians agree on Scripture?” “Why was God such a bully in the Old Testament?” Let’s be honest: There are some difficult aspects of Christianity we do not like to discuss. Gungor seeks to address these elephants in the church.

If you are hoping for easy answers to challenging questions, look elsewhere. Gungor does not claim to have the solutions; instead, he invites you to join him on his journey of understanding a relationship that is often as messy as it is beautiful. If you never have allowed yourself to consider some of Christianity’s most taboo topics, you will find this book refreshing. If this struggle is not new to you, then the content of this book won’t be either.

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