Strange Fire Holy Fire: Exploring the Highs and Lows of Your Charismatic Experience
Mike Klassen
Bethany House, December 2008, 192 pp., $13.99,

“An essential resource for wounded and disillusioned charismatics.” For the charismata-challenged believer, this book seems to be a “kiss and tell” of the most outrageous moments in modern charismatic life. Klassen speaks from authority: a graduate of Oral Roberts University, he has ghost written numerous books for several well-known charismatic evangelists and leaders. He takes the reader through a strange primer, explaining the place of tongues, prophecy and some of the more surreal “manifestations” of the Spirit.

Strange Fire Holy Fire is a compendium of the weirdest and the best from the fastest growing segment of the church today. For the outsider, the book will help humanize charismatics as deeply committed evangelicals and not the “younger brother who never was taken out in public because he would do something embarrassing. This is a beneficial read for leaders impacted by this segment of the body of Christ!

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