Pam Farrel and Doreen Hanna
Tyndale House Publishers, 2010, 256 pp., $13.99,

Raising a Modern-Day Princess focuses on how to celebrate key moments in a girl’s transition into womanhood. As a companion volume to Doreen Hanna’s Becoming a Modern-Day Princess curriculum, Raising a Modern-Day Princess inexorably circles back to her model for training up budding princesses, which culminates in a public ceremony akin to a coronation or groomless wedding in which tiaras and the priestly blessing of a father figure feature prominently.

Having argued that girls could benefit from personalized rites of passage, the book then takes the next step by including many testimonials featuring various real-life examples of such rites in order to help the ritually challenged. Pam Farrel overlays material on mentorship throughout, confounding the structure but contributing to the book’s usefulness in equipping any adult playing courtier to a daughter of the King.

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