He is not here…He is risen!

Many ministries suffer from post-Easter malaise. Fresh from the high moments of Easter—with fanfare, music and pageantry—we discover ourselves lingering in the hum-drum of the ordinary. It seems as if nothing in the world is different, but only for a moment…and now we are back the grind.

Years ago, I recall my grandmother telling me the secret of Christian joy. She said, “Look for God in the ordinary—don’t expect God to show up only in the spectacular.”

I think I understand what she was saying. Without a willingness and ability to see the new things God is doing every day, we can miss the good news of Easter. If Christ is risen, then He is risen today, just as He was yesterday. Somewhere in our lives, in our world, there is a fresh proclamation of the good news of Easter.

As we go about our ministry to teenagers, it is vital that we continue to glimpse good news in the young people we know. They are ever fresh with new ideas and excitement. In this, we may discover Christ is alive in them. We don’t have to look to flowering bulbs or budding trees to see the evidence of this new life that God brings. We can see it in each other.

Take a moment today—and every day—to consider how God is present in the people you know.

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