No More Christian Nice Girl: When Just Being Nice—Instead of Good—Hurts You, Your Family and Your Friends
Paul Coughlin and Jennifer D. Degler, Ph.D.
Bethany House, 2010, 182 pp., $14.99

Not since Boundaries has there been a more helpful resource for Christian women who struggle with “doormat syndrome.” In 10 poignant chapters, Coughlin, bestselling author of No More Christian Nice Guy, and psychologist Jennifer Degler use their valuable insights to help women conquer their fears of conflict, rejection and criticism.

The authors deftly use Scripture to debunk the myth that Jesus was always “nice,” and that’s what he expects of His women. Instead, they argue that God requires courageous truth telling—even when it hurts. Using real life anecdotes, examples of strong women in the Bible and discussion questions, the book effectively guides women on the journey from Christian Nice Girl to God’s Good Woman. Especially powerful are Chapters: “Marriage: How Nice Messes Up Matrimony” and “Work: How Nice Cripples Your Career.”

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