We reporters are taught to be skeptical of the people we cover. It’s hard, however, not to feel warmly toward Nisha Mehta. She’s giggly, stylish and warm — and when she turns her gale-force smile on you, it’s irresistible. She’s also tough, independent and has a regal bearing. She’s simultaneously someone you want to hug and someone not to be trifled with.
Karen Russo, ABC’s digital reporter based in Mumbai, found Mehta for us.
Russo lives in the same apartment building as Mehta’s boss, Amirah Shah, a 29-year-old woman who runs her family’s medical testing company, where Mehta recently was promoted to sales manager.
At age 21, Mehta has five people — all older than she is — working under her. And her boss says the sky’s the limit.
This is a seismic change in a country where women have, until recently, been restricted to traditional family roles. And it’s a change that has transpired within one generation in one household.

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