It Starts at Home: A Practical Guide to Nurturing Lifelong Faith
Kurt Brunner and Steve Stroope
Moody Publishers, 2010, 194 pp., $14.99,

As a pastor and friend, I often encounter the challenges and dynamics of family life and a faith that often fades in young adulthood. I’m not only an observer and counselor; I’m in the thick of it myself as a husband and father.

In It Starts at Home, Bruner and Stroope offer an intentional approach to building families of faith. These two pastors and authors gather the larger-than-life realities of our relationships—such as forgiveness and intimacy—and guide readers into an accessible and applicable way of living God-intentioned lives. Foundational strategies that stabilize the relationship between a husband and wife find expression as couples become parents and grandparents of children who live a lifelong faith.

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