There are three things you need to ensure the realization of any goal: A standard to shoot for and to abide by, accountability and the discipline necessary to make it all happen.

Recently, I sat down with a couple who are professional body builders. I had asked them to meet with me for the sake of fine tuning some dietary practices and I am now on week four with this new approach.

Part of what they put together was an accountability dynamic where I have to write down everything that I take in, which is supposed to include a gallon of water every day.

A gallon? Yes, a gallon. That means I have to have my little sippy cup standing by pretty much all day so I can be chugging water constantly in order to realize that goal.

It’s a good thing, though, because drinking water helps prevent muscle cramps and allows the body to function better overall.

In a lot of ways, it’s like prayer. Prayer is supposed be done continually (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). Prayer keeps you functioning the way you should by providing a constant realigning of your perspective. With every sip comes a new measure of strength, optimism and affirmation, as well as the opportunity to ask for those things you can’t secure on your own.

So, here’s the take home for this installment of Muscular Christianity: Drink a gallon of water today. Make that your goal. As you drink, make a point of praying every time you raise your glass. Let the water you drink be your cue to recall the living water offered by Christ at every turn. In that way, you’re not only benefiting your physique, but more importantly you’re giving your spirit the renewal it needs to keep up with the divine pace of your Savior.

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