The Fight of Your Life: Why Your Teen is at Risk and What Only You Can Do About It
Jeffrey Dean
Multnomah, 2009, 224 pp., $13.99

Parents can win the fight of their lives! This no-nonsense battle cry is one that families have been yearning to hear and Jeffrey Dean is eager to provide. Parents are challenged to “keep dreaming” for their teens with a God-given agenda so their kids might see themselves as He does and begin overcoming the issues that plague them most. Dean dares parents to do this first by example, then by investment.

This book builds well, beginning with foundational truths that are complemented with helpful prayers parents can pray for their kids. Much of what you’d expect to find is here, including discussion about culture, drinking, friendships, the Internet, sex and porn. A focus on God rounds out the book, allowing this to be more than a collection of good ideas but a true exploration of the tasks appointed to parents.

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