Learning About Sex Curriculum
Concordia Publishing House
2008, 11 books, $142.89

How to Talk Confidently with Your Child about Sex
Love, Sex and God
For Ages 15 and Up

Sex and the New You
For Ages 13-15

How You are Changing
For Ages 10-12

Where Do Babies Come From?
For Ages 7-9

Why Boys and Girls Are Different
For Ages 4-6

If kids are not learning about sex and self-image from their parents, they most certainly will learn it somewhere. Whether they see it on the Internet or TV, hear about it from a friend at school or see it in a magazine, in our culture sex and self-awareness are unavoidable. But what will they learn, how will they learn it, and will it be in the context of understanding a loving Creator and Designer?

Concordia Publishing House has been printing its Learning About Sex series for 25 years and recently released a new edition with add-ons and updates, including a resource for parents called How to Talk Confidently with Your Child About Sex.

This curriculum is diligent at maintaining age and maturity appropriateness with a strong focus on Christ-centered virtues and personal sexual responsibility. That being said, it will be important for parents and teachers to preview this material before using it in the home or classroom to make sure the anatomical images and intimate descriptions of sexual and biological matters in the books will be suitable for the selected audience.

While there are a lot of resource options out there about adolescent sexuality and resources that offer to equip parents to speak to their kids about biological, emotional and spiritual issues surrounding sexuality, it is difficult to find a more unified, all-ages approach than is offered here.

Sex is certainly one of the toughest subjects to discuss, and while this curriculum might not make those conversations any less awkward, it can make them more helpful, healthy and maybe more enjoyable.

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