Wess Stafford
Moody, 2012, 224 pp., $19.99

Looking back, I can see that small moments impacted my life in large ways: a conversation with a coach, a lesson with a teacher, a day with a parent, a minute with the young leader. These simple affirmations are at the heart of Just a Minute, and Wes Stafford (president of Compassion International) has produced a remarkable book that details—through copious examples and stories—just how life-changing a minute can be in a young person’s life.

Most everyone in ministry to children and teens probably has struggled with feelings of ineffectiveness or inadequacy. “What difference does this make? This is such a small thing.” As Stafford demonstrates, no one working with children and teens ever should doubt that some conversations, lessons and some of the smallest gifts can become life-changing moments.

Youth leaders can take away much from this book (especially useful illustrations and inspiration for lessons!) that could assist them in recognizing those moments that build character, talent, self-worth and indomitable spirit into the hearts and minds of their kids. Most of these moments will be serendipitous; but with a bit of practice, a great leader also may be able to create them from whole cloth…in just a minute.

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