Jesus Manifesto
Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola
Thomas Nelson, 2010, 240 pp., $14.99,

How much does the church love Jesus? It is a question worth asking according to Sweet and Viola. In Jesus Manifesto, they dissect the disconnect they have observed between Christians and Jesus. The church chooses to be about many causes from social welfare to leadership development. According to Sweet and Viola, Jesus has been relegated to just another cause the church wants to be about.

The challenge presented in Jesus Manifesto is to adjust appropriately our view of Jesus Christ to see His supremacy over all and to live by His indwelling Spirit.

This is a book that stuck with me. The abrasive tone toward a generalized grouping of Christians was at times distracting, but the call to higher intimacy with Christ resulting in deeper love and devotion was thought-provoking and challenging. Mature readers will find that Sweet and Viola have offered a treatise worth their time and energy.

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