Chris Travis
Bethany House, 2012, 160 pp., $11.99

Following a God who won the world by being defeated and demonstrated His power by becoming insignificant is an incredibly inspiring story—of which we are invited to become a part. Chris Travis invites us into a life of meaning offered by a God who “makes the weak strong, the foolish wise and the insignificant matter” in inSignificant: Why You Matter in the Surprising Way God is Changing the World.

Much of this book is inseparably linked with stories from the author’s own life that are strung throughout the majority of the chapters. Travis paints a vivid picture of our God as a servant and the powerlessness of human power to change our own hearts. His writing is clever, but the topic is neither so novel as to be called original, nor is it so shocking as to be called radical. However, it is fresh and provides a lively treatment to an understanding of the gospel and humility in humanity’s inability to achieve anything separated from Christ and in God’s loving sovereignty.

This is a great place to spend some time for personal spiritual enrichment. The questions at the end of each chapter will help you adapt it for personal or group study. It would make a great gift for anyone you know who needs to get beyond him or herself for the benefit of the kingdom.

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