The Essential Edwards Collection
Owen Strachan and Doug Sweeney
Moody Publishers, 2010, each volume160 pp. and $9.99,

Jonathan Edwards, the 17th-century preacher, is brought back to life through his sermons, books, papers and by the authors Stachan and Sweeney. In this five-book series, the authors extrapolate Edwards’ views in the five titles: True Christianity, Beauty, The Good Life, Heaven and Hell and Lover of God.

True Christianity comes across a bit heavy-handed, but overall it gives us much to reflect on in a day when modern Christianity looks more like the buffet at Shoney’s than the first century.

In The Good Life, we are shown how far we have fallen from the authentic good life intended by God. From the opening chapter, the story arc takes us from our short-sighted vision of the good life to God’s promise of true bliss.

Edwards’ passion is felt in no small measure in his reflections on beauty. Edwards and the authors work in tandem to proclaim the exquisiteness of God, His Christ, His church and His heaven.

Barring the authors’ and Edwards’ theological leanings, this series of books sheds a bright light on Edwards the man and theologian.

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