Holman QuickSource Guide to Understanding Creation
Mark Whorton and Hill Roberts
Holman Reference, 2008, 400 pp., $14.99, www.bhpublishinggroup.com

Wading into the swamp of the creation debate, Whorton and Roberts try to give all sides their voices—young earth, old earth; everybody is here. It seems the authors lean toward an old-universe cosmology, and they do a reasonable job of hitting the high points. They have the academic and intellectual chops to pull it off if the reader is willing to go with them.

Many readers will be looking for their own set of buzzwords to indicate what the bias of the authors will be and how it will be revealed. As neutral as the book tries to be, the issue is too volatile for them to have much hope of converting 6,000-year folks to 14-billion-year Big Bangers.

They quickly move on to their main goal—justifying Scripture and science—and do a thoughtful, if uninspired, job of it.

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