Home-schooling parents of home-schooled daughters take note:

I’m not a huge fan of home-schooling as I believe the socialization kids receive at school is critical to success later on in the real world. And yes, I know that home-schoolers are heartily exposed to other kids in the classes many attend outside of the home, in sports activities and/or at camp (my sister home-schools her daughter). But I still believe I could not have functioned as well as I do in the real world if I spent the majority of my time in the cloister of my parents’/siblings’ company. Computers, too, are an isolating influence more often than not. Social networking notwithstanding, of course.

Nonetheless, there’s an interesting development in home-schooling I’d like to share herewith. Four private girls’ schools have convened to offer home-school classes tailored to the way girls learn, according to the Washington Post…

Girls Learning

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