Go in Peace for Teens
Cherie Fresonke
Winepress Publishing, 2009, 232 pp., $13.95, Christianbook.com

Unless you are a teen from Wisconsin and understand cows and their cud, you may not relate to this book. Fresonke’s workbook-type format requires adult assistance unless the teen is very advanced in his/her Christianity.

The book, however, is a phenomenal work for young adults and older. It allows the reader to understand his or her deep hurts and how to give them to God. It helps the reader distinguish between self-inflicted sin and sin inflicted by others and gives the reader useful techniques for avoiding both.

Most importantly, at the end of this book the reader will be able to identify the subconscious lies about themselves (the cud) and how to forgive and be forgiven, how to give the cud to God and enjoy true freedom in Christ.

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