Friends Without Benefits: What Teens Need to Know About Sex
Ron Luce
Regal Books, 2010, 192 pp., $9.99,

Here comes another in the long list of books on sexual purity geared for teens. So what sets this one apart? What makes this one different?

Ron Luce’s new book is pretty much what you would expect from a Christian author speaking on teenage sexual purity. However, Ron Luce is not the only one speaking out in this new book. The chapters of Friends Without Benefits are made up of a very high percentage of quotes, quips and wise words from people of all different sexual backgrounds.

Chapters include “What Parents Say About Sex,” “What Experienced Teens Say About Sex,” “What Virgins Say About Sex” and “What Porn Users Say About Sex.” Many of these quotes and personal testimonies will resonate effectively with the teenagers who read them.

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