Freedom Begins Here Personal Toolkit
Dr. Gary Smalley, Ted Cunningham, Dr. Mark Laaser
Gray Communications Inc., 2009, 192 pp., $24.99

The Freedom Begins Here Personal Toolkit features a devotional journal and DVD meant to help individuals overcome sexual addiction. With honest guidance from pastors and psychologists, the toolkit walks participants through what sexual addiction is then helps them know how to move from addiction to a place of restoration.

The 30-day devotional journal offers biblical grounding for sex addicts, using biblical and psychological resources. The DVD incorporates interviews with Dr. Mark Laaser, a leader in the field of sexual addiction, with refreshingly open personal stories to give hope to anyone struggling with this type of addiction.

The toolkit does not explain biblical reasons for avoiding pornography but aims at moving forward once an individual is entrapped and wants help. It offers hope and direction for anyone who finds him or herself caught in sexual addiction, as well as guidance for those nearest them.

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