Currently, I am going through a study with my students on choices: choices we make, important choices and the effects of bad choices. To emphasize the effects of making bad choices, I came up with the following game.

Decisions and Consequences: Prior to your meeting/event, make enough unusual/nasty food concoctions as number of questions/choices in the game. For example: a Peanut Butter & Pickle Sandwich, Bagged Tuna with Sauerkraut on a graham cracker. Put the food concoctions into brown paper bags and number them with up to the same number of questions as there are.

Once the preparations are complete, break your group into teams. (I used two teams, but you can use multiple teams depending on the size of your group.)

As you go through each question, each team must choose a person to answer the question for the team. If the designated person answers the question correctly, his or her team gets a point. If he or she answers the question incorrectly, he or she has to choose a bag by number and eat whatever is in the bag in front of everyone. (Have a bucket or trashcan nearby in case the food does not agree with a student.)

Continue with the next question and team/student until you run out of time or questions.

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