Darwin: The Voyage that Shook the World
Steve Murray
Exploration Films, 2009, 54 minutes, $22.98
In Darwin: The Voyage that Shook the World, Exploration Films retraces the voyage that Charles Darwin took as a young man which led to his thoughts written about in The Origen of Species. Following his findings step-by-step, the film contrasts them with current scientific data and whether or not his theories still hold weight.

In many Christian circles, Darwin is painted as a villain of sorts who is out to disprove the Bible. Exploration Films paints a slightly different picture of Darwin as a man who struggled with many issues encompassing the fields of philosophy, science and religion. His goal was not simply to disprove one or the other but to find answers to some of life’s toughest questions.

Borrowing from the knowledge and research of worldwide experts on Darwin, The Voyage that Shook the World provides a great, balanced perspective on the world of evolutionary theory.

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