Reach Out: Don’t Freak Out
Greg Stier
Student Devotional, 91 pp., and 2 DVDs
Dare 2 Share Ministries/Group Publishing, 2011. $29.99

Many adolescents are paralyzed when it comes to sharing their faith. Much of that paralysis can be traced back to fear, lack of a clear personal testimony and prayerlessness. In his 30-day student devotional, Stier addresses these issues, as well as other barriers teenagers (and many older adults) confront in sharing their faith. Each day includes a big idea, an example from the life of another teenager, practical suggestions for action, and a place to journal and set personal goals in response to the challenge. However, as with so much evangelistic material, sin is addressed, but poorly defined. Greg is a master communicator with adolescents, and the two DVDs included in this four-week curriculum contains four sessions (10 minutes each) with Greg at his best. The second DVD includes promo materials, a video of Greg talking with your leadership team explaining the material, handouts for each session and PPT backgrounds.

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