Church 3.0: Upgrades for the Future of the Church
Neil Cole
Jossey-Bass, 2010, 304 pp., $24.95,

Tired of reading church leadership books that are all saying the same stuff? Pick up a Neil Cole’s Church 3.0. As a follow-up to his groundbreaking title Organic Church, Cole unpacks the opportunities that await when we do church smarter, more simply and maybe more biblically.

The topics include postmodernism, networking, evangelism, children and youth programs, and more. The author weaves together a powerful combination of theology and practical ministry advice that makes Church 3.0 an outstanding individual read. It would be especially beneficial for church planters or ministry leaders who are in need of some fresh thinking. Even though the book gets a bit wordy at times, the ah-ha moments that fill the pages make it a standout resource of its kind. If you need an upgrade to your ministry or church, Church 3.0 has got it!

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