What do you need most: soothing Celtic music from Christian artists Jeff Johnson and Brian Dunning, or a helpful one-day conference on “Turbulence Ahead…Parenting Teens Through the Bumpy Years”?

The Jeff Johnson Celtic Christmas concerts continue through December in Washington, Oregon, Texas and New Mexico. Check ArkMusic.com for more info.

“Turbulence Ahead” is a one-day conference on parenting teens from Heartlight Ministries Foundation and Parenting Today’s Teens Radio. The conference features Mark Gregston, who will lead two sessions: “What’s Happening to My Teen?” and “Parenting Teens in a Confusing Culture.” With wisdom gained from more than 30 years spent helping families work through difficult situations, Gregston blends humor and storytelling with biblical insights for parents wanting a deeper relationship with their teens.

Heartlight Ministries is a residential counseling program for teens. Gregston is the author of several books. He is the host of the national radio program “Parenting Today’s Teens” aired on stations across the country. Click here for 2009 and 2010 dates.

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