Michael Card
IVP Books, 2012, 204 pp., $16

You may recognize the name Michael Card as you’ve probably sung or listened to one of the many songs he has written. You might be surprised to learn that outside his music career, he also has published 19 books. This newest book is part of his Biblical Imagination Series.

In this new book, Card walks the reader through the gospel chapter by chapter, creating a contextual story using what he calls an “informed imagination.”

Although he claims it is “not an academic commentary,” there is plenty to be learned from Card’s writing as he briefly addresses each chapter chunk by chunk. In addition, he says this is not intended as a “devotional commentary.” However, the depth and format definitely work well as a devotional resource. In fact, it is hard to imagine a better use for it than personal or small group devotions.

Regardless of what he says it is not, what he is hoping this turns out to be is a view into who Mark was as an individual and how that shaped this gospel. To that end, Card writes a very engaging and accessible purview into Mark and his book.

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