Making Room for Leadership: Power, Space and Influence
MaryKate Morse
InterVarsity Press, December, 2008, 232 pp., $17.00

The Leadership Jump: Building Partnerships Between Existing and Emerging Christian Leaders
Jimmy Long
InterVarsity Press, February, 2009, 204 pp., $16.00

Making Room for Leadership explores an interpersonal side of leading, specifically addressing a person’s ability to have “presence” and how a grasp of spatial issues, body language and communication can create a more effective leader. While Christ is looked at several times as a quality example of a leader, this book is more about group dynamics than biblical illustrations.

The Leadership Jump challenges readers to face the fact that culture is changing dramatically; consequently the next generation of church leaders is much different than the last. Rather than “parting ways” when they don’t see eye to eye, Long hopes to help them partner together by understanding what they can offer each other from their differences. He writes to what he calls “existing” and “emerging” church leaders, hoping for a healthy “leadership jump” in this transitional time of history.

If you are interested in exploring how our shifting surroundings are affecting Christian leadership, or interested in exploring what makes someone a great leader, these new releases are perfect for you.

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