Wallace R. Smith
Judson Press, 2009, 94 pp., $15.00, BaptismAhead.org

In Baptism Ahead, Wallace R. Smith introduces middle school students to the basics of discipleship and baptism through the characters of Ava and Jamal. We get a glimpse of their family and school lives, but we most often see them with Ms. Marsha as she leads them through a baptism class at church. Students learn about God and what following Him means through the narrative, which is supplemented with Bible passages and response questions. Never forceful, Baptism Ahead teaches about God and the church while stressing that a relationship with God is a personal choice.

Designed as a seven-week course, this book is best worked through as a group. The slant is undeniably Baptist, and a special emphasis is put on adult baptism and personal freedom. Still, with solid writing and searching questions, this book offers a strong introduction to Christian faith and community.

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