SYNOPSIS: To convince Pharaoh to let the Israelites leave Egypt, God sent plagues on the land. When Moses asked Pharaoh when he wanted to get rid of the frogs, Pharaoh replied, “Tomorrow.”


THEME: Christian Living; Overcoming Habits

SCRIPTURE REFERENCE: Exodus 8:9-10; Colossions 3:5-9

SUGGESTED USE: Show how some people want to hang on to old habits that hinder Christian growth. Throw out a challenge to overcome undesirable traits.

Pharaoh – Ruler in Egypt
Moses – Chosen by God to lead the Israelites out of Egypt
Frog 1 – A frog representing obstacles to Christian living
Frog 2 – A frog representing obstacles to Christian living

PROPS: Stool to represent Pharaoh’s throne, staff for Moses, six or more stuffed or rubber frogs, paper frogs labeled as indicated in script, and a crown for Pharaoh

COSTUMES: Elaborate robe for Pharaoh, a wrinkled tan robe for Moses, green hoodies for frogs

SOUND: Four wireless mics. Create a CD for sound effects with rock music and a chorus of croaking frogs as indicated in script.

LIGHTING: General stage; spotlight for Pharaoh shifting to Moses when he is speaking


DIRECTOR’S TIP: Encourage actors to speak slowly, pronouncing each word distinctly; pausing a second or two between sentences will emphasize the point being made; suggest that actors experiment with action until the dialogue comes to life.

As scene opens, PHARAOH sits on his throne with one FROG on each side of him. The CD plays loud rock music for one moment and then begins to fade. For another moment a chorus of people utter loud, guttural sounds to imitate the croaking of frogs. FROG actors throw stuffed or rubber frogs at Pharaoh and around the room to create a frog frenzy. As the CD ends, one of the frogs knocks off Pharaoh’s crown.

PHARAOH: (Shakes fist in anger) “Enough already. That does it. I’m calling in Moses. These frogs gotta go, even if that means the Israelites no longer will be here to make our bricks.”

Frog actors resume throwing frogs while they imitate the croaking sounds until Moses enters.

MOSES: (Approaches Pharaoh carrying staff): “You sent for me, Your Majesty.”

PHARAOH: “Yeah. I want you to tell that God of yours to get rid of these frogs.”

MOSES: “Does that mean you are willing to let our people go into the land where God called us?”

PHARAOH: “Yes, you may go and make sacrifices to your God.”

MOSES: “When shall I ask God to remove the frogs?”

PHARAOH: “Tomorrow!”

MOSES: (Shakes head in disbelief) “Tomorrow?”

PHARAOH: “Yes, tomorrow.”

MOSES: “You want to put up with the frogs for one more night when you’ve already decided to allow us to make sacrifices to God?”

PHARAOH: “Well, maybe I should consider …”

FROG 1: “Your Majesty, you don’t want to get rid of us. We’re your friends.”

FROG 2: “We may be nasty, but we give you a lot of pleasure.”

PHARAOH: “Yeah … well …”

FROG 1: Look what we represent. (Hands Pharaoh a paper frog with the word LUST written on it.)

PHARAOH: (Grins and moves body as though keeping time with music. Nods head.) “Lust. Yeah, lust gives me a lot of pleasure. Pretty girls, fun, dancing.” (Rises and does a little dance.)

FROG 2: Enough said.” (Presents paper frog with the word GREED.) “What about this? You know you want everything you see, even if everyone else has to do without.”

PHARAOH: “Of course I do. Besides, I have a right to be greedy. I am Pharaoh!”

FROG 1: “Yes, you are Pharaoh; and you also have a right to get angry and throw a fit of rage.” (Hands Pharaoh a paper frog with the word ANGER.)

PHARAOH: (Gestures toward Moses, shaking fists.) “Yeah, I feel a fit of rage coming on right now.”

FROG 2: “Hold off a minute until you look at this.” (Presents a paper frog with the word LIES.)

PHARAOH: “Lies. Oh, yeah. Sometimes the only way to get off the hook is to tell a lie. I need to try to explain a situation to my wife tonight. I’m glad I don’t have to tell the truth.”

FROG 1: “That’s a smart man. I have here some more satisfaction for Your Majesty. You know how you like to engage in what you call ‘malicious mischief.'” (Hands a paper frog with the word MALICE.)

PHARAOH: (Nods head.) “That’s true, very true. If anyone tries to pull a fast one on me, I’ll get even.”

FROG 2: “I know. You’ve done it to me. (Presents a paper wad with the words FILTHY LANGUAGE.) But look what else I have for you-filthy language.”

PHARAOH: That’s good. How could I express what I mean without the use of filthy language? Frogs begin to utter croaking sounds.

MOSES: “Well, Pharaoh, I’m waiting for your answer.”

PHARAOH: “My answer is TOMORROW! Final answer!” Lights out.

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