Apostles of Comedy, DVD, rated PG (Language – not cursing – and Thematic Elements)
Jeff Allen, Brad Stine, Anthony Griffith and Ron Pearson
First Look Studios, 2008, 101 minutes, $13.98

This DVD is comprised of multiple short bits and documentary footage of four Christian comedians. They prove comedy can be “innovative, dangerous, progressive, funny, interesting and curse-free.” As with all great comedy, they squeeze the stupidity out of the human experience. The documentary spots reveal their offstage personalities, hardships (a wife with cancer, a daughter’s death, MS diagnosis) and their faith.

One guy said his mother taught him that laughter is the best medicine. “Every day she would try to convey that to me. When she would whip me, she’d laugh it off.”

Suited for an adult church audience and overtly Christian, only one comic was preachy and too loud. Still, he’s funny. As another said, “It’s not my job to manipulate an audience into believing what I believe. I believe God works on everybody in His own time and in His [and their] own way.”

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