Apostasy-The Deceived Generation: Rescuing Our Youth from Satan’s Influence
Susan Seymour
Creation House, 2008, 346 pp., $14.99, Creationhouse.com

“Children today are not hearing of their need for a Redeemer,” says Seymour, a former teacher at a Christian school. She is concerned the church has drifted from biblical truth and embraced worldly values. Consequently, children do not respect the holiness of God or fear the consequences of sin, becoming easy targets for the enemy. Cheap grace is glorified, and the cost to our souls is high.

Seymour’s concern and message are valid, but her delivery needs improvement. Her love and respect for God is tangible, but her love and respect for fellow Christians is not. There is solid truth here, but it needs to be seasoned with grace, humility and mercy—that aroma of Christ that clings to words of truth spoken in love. 

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