As a pastor, one of the roles we fulfill is that of an evangelist. We must adopt Christ’s primary mission to fulfill this role completely. The ultimate purpose of Christ’s ministry on earth was to seek and save that which was lost. Salvation cannot be attained apart from Christ.

The idea of Universalism is an empty one, and pluralism is the idea that all roads lead to heaven. The mission of Christ proved there is only one way to heaven. Jesus said He is the way, the truth and the life. We must share this idea with the world. Many in our world believe this is a narrow-minded view. People want to be in control of their own destinies. They don’t want to be told there is only one way. As ministers of the gospel, we must not compromise the truth in order to be popular. We are called to take the truth to the masses. In order to do this, we must put an end to pluralistic though.

One of the major roles of a pastor is that of a prophet. A pastor is a person set aside by God to be an advocate. He or she is a representative and voice of God to the people. They are also a representative to God on behalf of a chosen group of people of which they serve. They provide opportunities to experience God and connect with other believers. Every ministry endeavor they undertake has biblical, theological and historical implications. They must possess a high moral character that gives them the authority and privilege to be able to speak into the lives of the people they lead. The role of minister can be fleshed out in various ways based on the need and situation. Therefore, a minister must be flexible and open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Ministers are the open channels God uses to impact individuals, communities and the world with the life-changing message of the gospel. I am honored to be among the ranks of the chosen and called out to serve Him in this way.

As a prophet, the central message we need to share with all nations is that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Our faith must be in God’s one and only Son; and faith must not be based on what we experience internally or externally. Our faith must be in the Person of Jesus Christ and His atoning work on the cross. Jesus is unique among all other religious leaders. He is alive and at work in the lives of believers. In order for the uniqueness of Christ to be fully displayed, we must live a life that points others to Him.

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