High blood sugar levels can impair growth in young children, according to a study by Nemours Children’s Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. While researchers found that kids ages 4 to 9 with type 1 diabetes and elevated sugar levels had slower brain growth, they also noted this didn’t seem to impact these kids’ ability to think or memorize.

“Despite the best efforts of parents and diabetes care teams, about 50 percent of all blood glucose concentrations during the study were measured in the high range,” said lead author Dr. Nelly Mauras, chief of the division of endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism at the clinic.(HealthDay)

Paul Asay has written for The Washington Post, Christianity Today, Beliefnet.com and The (Colorado Springs) Gazette. He writes about culture for PluggedIn and wrote the Batman book God on the Streets of Gotham (Tyndale). He recently collaborated with Jim Daly, president of Focus on the Family, on his book The Good Dad. He lives in Colorado Springs with wife, Wendy, and his two children. Check out his entertainment blog or follow him on Twitter.