Good news: James Tate, an 18-year-old high school senior, has a date to prom—thanks to an oversized message he left on the side of his school for his main squeeze. Bad news: The school banned Tate from actually going to prom because of the message. Tate and two friends posted the message in foot-high cardboard letters along the side of Shelton High School in Shelton, Conn., May 5. The message read, “Sonali Rodrigues, Will you go to the prom with me? HMU—Tate.” Rodrigues accepted the proposal, but school officials slapped Tate and his two friends with a one-day suspension and barred all three from attending prom—apparently because posting the sign constituted trespassing and a safety risk. A Facebook page has been started to organize an alternate dance for Tate and Rodrigues. Two state representatives are drafting a law that would require schools to create alternate forms of punishment besides banning them from extracurricular school functions. (Fox News)