Seasons in Youth Ministry

I didn’t think it would ever happen, but it has! I am now a youth pastor and a father of a student. This new season of my life and ministry career has got me thinking also about the seasons of youth ministry that have moved me from friend to father.

The Best Gift I’ve Ever Given

I was one year away from my wedding with many decisions to be made and many people to organize. My soon-to-be husband and I were knee-deep in save-the-dates, centerpieces and compiling an iPod list of music for...

Schooled by My Son

If you have children now or in the future, there will come a time when they grow into teenagers, and the transition from cool youth worker to parent of a teen becomes painfully real. It was for me.

Three C’s of Comunication

Our culture  is always on the go. The faster we go, the more we value communication that concise, complete, and clear. As youth workers trying to engage the people of our culture, we’ve got to be able to say...

The Atherlight Chronicles

STEAMPUNK GOSPEL: REACHING TWEEN GAMERS WITH SCRIPTURAL TRUTH Online adventure game The Aetherlight retells the epic story of Scripture in an exciting steampunk world filled with quests, puzzles, crafting a...

Game: Name Changers

Here is a fun introduction game that can be played at a youth gathering or church camp or retreat. This game works well for those groups that have new people or for mixing it up at the next big event when peopl...